School Council

The School Council at Llandysilio C in W School is made up of representatives from Dosbarth Un, Dosbarth Dau and Dosbarth Tri who are elected to the committee by their peers at the start of every new academic year. The purpose of the Council is to give learners a voice in the running of their school and the chance to make positive changes, which have included experiences such as being part of interview panels and attendees at Governor’s Meetings where their views, work and progress has been shared.

School Council members in Dosbarth 3 are given the opportunity to put themselves forward for the roles of Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary suggesting reasons why they would make the ideal candidates before a class ballot commences. Weekly meetings are then led by the Chair where agendas are worked through, minutes taken by the Secretary and projects worked on collaboratively. These could include working on suggestions brought to the meeting by Class Representatives, creating learner questionnaires, evaluating aspects of the school, creating action plans, organising fundraising events and liaising with the Headteacher or Friends of Llandysilio School through email, conversation or hand delivered letter.