Class 2
Dosbarth Dau

In Class 2, Year 3 and 4 children are encouraged to work with independence, building upon the skills taught in the previous years. The classroom is set up with areas of learning and working tables for teacher focussed learning groups. Whilst some children are accessing ‘Missions’ in the areas, which helps to develop independent learning other children will be working as part of a focus group with the teacher, enabling the children to progress at their own pace.   Each term we launch a big question across the school, where the children are involved in discussing their thoughts and ideas.  This then forms the basis for their learner focussed activities across the six Areas of learning:

·       Health and Well-being

·       Language, Literacy and Communication

·       Mathematics and Numeracy

·       Science and Technology

·       Humanities

·       Expressive Arts

As well as providing varied learning experiences for the children both indoors and outdoors, we also encourage the children to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Opportunities are given to the children to take part in Urdd competitions and various sporting activities across the year.